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Red Nova

Status: 46 year old female seeking friendship
Location: Weston-super-Mare, Avon
Member: NF026566
Height: 5' 4" / 163cm

Extremely spiritual warrior goddess looking for my soul mate and soul family (friends).  I have been spiritual awake for over 20 years; I'm self-actualised and want to connect to you before my job is done here. 

I'm extremely deep, a thinker and a doer.  I try and stay in a balanced realm whilst embracing extremes with love and appreciation.  I have an infinite amount of love to give to my soul family, those who vibrate on a higher frequency whom I can connect with emotionally and intellectually.  I have a "don't give a crap" attitude about life and detest judgement, insincerity and falseness.  I like things to be real, natural and wholesome.  I love being in nature, I can be introverted but an extrovert when around the right people.  I'm creative and run my own business, I think and live outside of what society would deem as the norm.  I love free thinkers and freedom of expression.  I love to nurture, I'm kind and caring.  I'm extremely spiritual and have my own beliefs on the meaning of life and why we are here.  Happiness is being true to yourself.

I'm very happy with what I have achieved in life, I'm looking to extend my soul family, I know there is quite a few out there who feel the same way as I do.  Hopefully with what I have written, you'll be able to get a sense of what I'm about.  So, my current goal is to find you or for you to find me.  My golden rule is to be golden and balanced, respect all life, be true to yourself, love and be the happiest you can be, don't deny yourself, don't judge or allow to be judged, be free, be well mannered - treat others as you would like to be treated.  Unconditional love is the most precious gift that can be given.

I have too many interests to list, nature is my go to and I worship the healing rays of the sun, I'm always drawn to the beach and love all of the seaside cheese; arcades and rides, Mr Whippy ice cream, relaxing in the hot tub, cloud gazing, meditation, good food, red wine and perfect company.

I'm happily married and I believe that there are multiple soul mates or twin flames.  I am looking for one very special specific lady to share the rest of my life with, a deep and meaningful relationship.  We will be best friends, companions, we'll be inseparable.

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My Passions

  • Food
  • Nature
  • Water
  • All that can be seen and not seen
  • Music and Dance
  • 1980's

My star sign

  • Leo

I'm a...

  • Non-smoker